Collectivity = Cooperative

We have exciting news to share! 

As you may or may not know, Collectivity is organized as a multi-stakeholder cooperative, with a goal for multiple groups of our community to co-own and co-benefit from the business. The idea is that the cooperative will meet both economic and social goals of our community through our commitment to meeting the needs of all our member-owners.

In June 2023, we activated the Coworker Member group of our cooperative and are thrilled to increase our workplace democracy through shared ownership, decision making, and profits. As well as benefiting our Coworker Members, our cooperative joins the movement to ‘build a better world through cooperation’. Collectivity sees this future realized by creating the opportunity for more of our community to participate and benefit from our business. 

Collectivity believes that system-level change can only happen if we work together and believes the more representation around the table, the better results for the project goal and the community at-large. For Collectivity as a consulting cooperative, we aim to align every stakeholder involved in a project. With that in mind, our sights are set to activate client and producer member groups as our cooperative continues to grow. Stay tuned for more cooperation to come! 


Collectivity's Partnership with Project for Pride in Living: Building Equitable Communities Together


Celebrating the Elevate Teaching Movement