Nurturing Leadership: A Self-Care & Connection Event for Nonprofit Leaders

The Importance of Self-Care: Insights from Our Salon Discussion

With both high turnover in nonprofit leadership roles and significant change happening in 2025, we departed from the typical format of our quarterly salons to focus on self-care and promoting personal well-being for nonprofit leaders. The event centered around stations focused on things like mindfulness & movement, collaborative vision boarding, and the Nap Ministry’s (Link: Nap Ministry) concept of rest as resistance.

Attendees explored ways to revisit schedules, prioritize moments of care, and even make their own aromatherapy blends. We ended the day with a discussion circle to share takeaways and brainstorm how to maintain these commitments to self-care. Below are highlights from our group discussions we’re sharing in hopes they can be supportive to you and your personal well-being. 

What’s your go-to strategy for setting boundaries and protecting personal time in your role?

  • Leverage calendars: Blocking out personal time and setting "do not disturb" periods for work-related apps outside of office hours.

  • Practice the art of saying no: Thoughtfully declining tasks or opportunities that don’t align with your capacity, priorities, or personal interests.

  • Unplugging intentionally: Turning off email/chat notifications on phones after working hours to create a boundary.

  • Scheduling breaks: Planning workouts or personal moments in advance and respecting those commitments.

  • Lead by example: Demonstrating strong self-care habits in your own actions to create a culture of self-care within your organization. Every individual's behavior can inspire broader organizational adoption of self-care practices.

What helps you bounce back from challenges or burnout as a nonprofit leader?

  • Adventure Days: Taking time for fun and exploration outside of work.

  • Nature therapy: Spending time outdoors to recharge and clear the mind.

  • Instant gratification: In the nonprofit space, where so much time and energy is devoted to long-term goals, it can feel refreshing to do things that provide small, joyful actions—even something as simple as grocery shopping. 

  • Long breaks: Allowing time to fully disconnect and reflect.

What does work-life balance look like for you, and how do you strive to achieve it?

  • Continual adjustment: Recognizing that balance is a work in progress and offering grace for imperfection. Allowing life’s ebb and flow to guide weekly priorities while maintaining focus on what truly matters.

  • Scheduled joy: Adding intentional "appointments" for enjoyable tasks, such as connecting with friends or finding inspiration.

  • One trip per month: Building in a regular break from routine to recharge and reflect. It doesn’t have to be a big trip, just time away from the day to day.  

  • Delegation and asking for help: Recognizing when to share the load instead of pushing through independently.


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